Leon Bridges’ Favorite Things – Coveteur: Inside Closets, Fashion, Beauty, Health, and Travel
When you think of Grammy-winning artist Leon Bridges, more comes to mind than his music alone. The picture is much more complete—a full body image, if you will, that encompasses his extremely distinct sense of style. Bridges himself describes his own aesthetic as a, “minimalistic Western ’70s kind of thing.” A seemingly contradictory string of words, the result is a unique amalgamation of statement jackets, loafers, trousers, and more.
“Pants wise, it’s got to be flared these days. Got to be flared,” continues Bridges. “My go-to is Canadian tuxedo vibes. I’ve recently been leaning more into like western fashion, too. I’ve been wearing more boots.” Lucky for us, Bridges is sharing his favorites of all the aforementioned categories. Unsurprisingly, that same aesthetic specificity extends to his home, as well. The musician takes a unique approach to shopping with his essentials ranging from Aesop hand sanitizer to old Ford Broncos to Hanes tank tops. Intrigued? Discover all of Bridges’ favorite things below.
Wrancher Dress Jeans
“I don’t really wear denim except for Wrangler because they make the best denim and I love that classic sort of Texas/cowboy silhouette. I’ve been wearing Wranglers forever and these are my go-tos. I wear a lot of cowboy boots and these jeans work perfectly with cowboy boots—you will never catch me in skinny jeans.”
Executive Croc
“I can’t stop buying these boots. I really like the exotics. They are an investment, or, as people in Fort Worth say, they are your birthday boots. You can lose a whole day picking out patterns and styles on their site.”
Multi-patch Corduroy Jacket
“Emily Adams Bode has been so good to me during my career. She has always sent me beautiful clothes and I was wearing Bode when I won my Grammy. I am a big fan of her patchwork and quilted jackets. You can buy online but if you get the chance please go into her store in NYC; it’s really beautiful.”
Pre-owned Build 2
“Everyone needs a whip and these embody Texas. Test drive one and you’ll fall in love.”
Classic Ford Bronco
Cicada Garnet
“This is an Austin-based brand that I love. I try to support women and bipoc small businesses. The fact that this is a Texas thing is cool, too.”
Resurrection Rinse-free Hand Wash
“I love Aesop products; they smell so good. This also won’t dry your hands out, which is important to me because I play guitar.”
Slow Burn Magnum Candle
“These burn so clean, have no chemicals, and will make your house smell amazing. My friend and fellow Texan Kacey Musgraves designed a scent for them.”
Boy Smells
Web-detail Long-sleeve Denim Shirt
“I love this shirt so much I have it with short sleeves, too. Gucci is a splurge but it’s just the coolest, best stuff. After I sold out two nights at Radio City, I went to the SoHo Gucci store and bought the Dapper Dan Yankees leather jacket.”
Tank Cintrée Watch
“A huge investment but I had the opportunity to wear this watch to the Met Gala and it’s a beauty.”
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