6 Essential Fashion Newsletters to Know
Newsletter fatigue is a very real thing. Seriously, has anyone invented a
Feedly-style consolidator of all the substacks we’ve impulse subscribed to? So, after a few much-needed recent Gmail deep cleans, we decided to take it upon ourselves to compile a list of the best fashion, beauty, and lifestyle newsletters editors at Coveteur look forward to every week, from Rachel Tashjian’s Opulent Tips to Hunter Harris’s Hung Up. See the full list below.
If Michelle Zauner’s
Crying in H Mart was also one of your favorite books this year, I recommend checking out Alicia Kennedy’s newsletter. Using several formats including audio interviews, recipes, and essays, Kennedy explores all things culinary—from the highly personal to the political. Highlights include an essay that will change the way you think about veganism; a moving piece about grief, healing, and the holidays; and a divine pumpkin soup recipe.
Cofounded by
Kyle Chayka—also a cofounder of journalist resource Studyhall.xyz and contributing writer for The New Yorker—and writer and audience engagement expert Daisy Alioto, Dirt is a daily entertainment newsletter by a rotating cast of media superstars. The essays often feature thought-provoking musings about internet culture with titles like “TikTok and Suburban Gothic” and “Are NFTs Status Symbols?”—an excellent resource for your more erudite holiday dinner party conversations.
Want to know the books, Instagram accounts, movies, songs, concepts, and newsletters the cool kids are into? Twice a week, Perfectly Imperfect sends out a list of curated recommendations by the likes of
Kaitlin Phillips, Chris Black, and Hari Nef. I find myself influenced often: Thanks to the creative director at A24, I am now addicted to sprouted cashews, I frequent a taqueria in my neighborhood because writer Aliza Abarbanel said it was good (it IS), and have even considered dabbling in manifestation because Leia Jospé, a camera operator on How To with John Wilson, thinks it works.
Here’s an
Inception-style recommendation: I am recommending the (invite-only) newsletter Opulent Tips, which was originally recommended to me by Chris Black in the recommendation newsletter mentioned above: “Every bozo with a MacBook Air and a liberal arts degree wants you to pay them for their unedited thoughts,” he wrote. “But when a professional, like Rachel Tashjian, tackles the medium (no pun intended), it is a thing of beauty. She writes about style, clothing, life, and maximal interiors, like no one else.”
If you’re going to follow one entertainment writer, it should be
Hunter Harris. Recently, her posts have been dominated by Succession discourse—including episode-by-episode power rankings—and I am not complaining. Ignore Twitter, Harris’s opinions on the buzziest movies, TV shows, and celebrity gossip are the only ones you really need to know.
“Beauty is a global, multi-billion dollar industry. It should be relentlessly monitored and reported on with the same fairness and passion as politics, tech, and health,”
Darian Harvin writes. “I realized I could help fill this void by applying my skills as a journalist to the beauty industry and showing everyday folks why they should care, and what’s at stake.” In her monthly newsletter, Harvin discusses various happenings in the world of beauty like launches and trends—but also topics that you wouldn’t see on your average digital glossy, like updates on the activities of hairstylist and makeup artist labor unions.
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