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5 faultless ways to wash your hair right and give them the attention they need

Greasy hair is a ruthless business of the summer. You tend to sweat whether or not you’re up to some trekking or simply chilling by the beach. To see your hair acting up may not feel like a gratifying game but there’s always light come what may. Got a summer haircut but don’t know what could be the reason your hair isn’t agreeing to look gorgeous? Loss of moisture, hair fall, lustre, and smoothness can have many underlying causes, and not washing it right could be another that needs quick attention. 

Here are a few noteworthy tips to help your hair stay and look healthy. 

beauty1 hair wash

1) Know your hair products’ labels

Fancy bottles know the easiest feat to please your eyes. Packaging sells but your hair may be in a trouble. Sulfates are known criminals that can cause hair breakage and look for harsh-chemical-free products. 

2) Rinse first, wash next 

Count on lukewarm water to dampen your tresses. This step enables shampoo and conditioners to sit better on it. It opens your cuticles and allows the formula to get absorbed better which in turn can cleanse away the deep-seated dirt. 

3) Less is love 

Look for products that suit your hair type. Curly texture requires more hydration just like how to dry hair could use one. Taking dollops of formulas isn’t something that your hair will ever crave. Keep minimal quantity and dilute it with water, both shampoo and conditioner. If you fail to cleanse it all neat, the shampoo sticks and adds up more grease. Prevent washing like there’s no tomorrow with multiple rounds. Twice or thrice a week hair wash does the cut.

4) Hair cleansing brush 

Certain hypes live up to our expectations. Gentle is the way forward. Say no to abrasive washing sessions. Use a scalp brush to help enhance blood circulation and also remove all of the accumulated gunk. 

5) Say no more to hair styling tools and rugged towels 

Microfiber hair wraps are your best friends. Step out of the washroom after having the water drain out of your hair. Secure your hair with this fabric and allow it to dry. Follow up with a nourishing serum to seal your hair wash routine and try to avoid drying it up with hair styling tools. Heat-induced damage isn’t a favourite thing to do, right? 


How often do you wash your hair? Let us know in the comments below. 

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